Massage Therapy Treatments
If you have recently suffered a sports injury, been hurt in an automobile accident or you are stressed from sitting in front of a computer all day at the office, massage therapy offers relief. Massage is hands-on manipulation that transforms the muscles, tendons and connective tissue of the body. The touch may be light or deep depending upon the symptoms presenting, whether acute or chronic, and the pressure preferred by the body. Massage relieves tension from stress, tightness from trigger points and pain from the tissues. People of all ages benefit from the therapeutic effects of massage.
The results are:
Calmer nervous system
Looser more flexible body
Increased suppleness and mobility
Improved strength and vitality
Increased relaxation, circulation and healing
Toxins are released
Deeper breathing increasing intake of oxygen
Improved sleep
Massage provides you with more physical energy and peace of mind. As a natural therapy, massage benefits the whole person, to integrate body, mind and spirit in a safe, calm space created for healing.
Suffering with chronic and acute pain from repetitive strain or injury, compromises your body’s immune system, increases tension within and limits movement and quality of life. All of this contributes to physical and emotional stress. There are tremendous benefits to regular therapeutic massage as preventative healthcare increasing mobility, flexibility, calmness and motivation to be an active person in your world.
Conditions that benefit from massage:
Migraine headaches
Tension headaches
TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint Disorder)
Jaw pain and clenching
Limited range of motion
Lower back pain
Sacroiliac joint pain
Tight muscles that limit movement
Frozen shoulder
Tension in upper shoulders from computer work
Pain or numbness in the arms and hands
Stiffness and pain in the back
Limited range of motion in the joints
Pregnancy – for relaxation and relief to hips, lower back, legs and feet
Tensa Fascia Latae (Ilio Tibial Band Tightness)
Hip and pelvic pain
Soft tissue injury, sprains and strains
Stiffness in the neck
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Plantar Fasciitis
Toe pain
Stress from physical and emotional traumas
Nervous system overload from injury – motor vehicle, sports and surgery
Restless leg syndrome
Whether your need is for time out to relax, to reduce muscle tension, decrease stress or attain relief from acute or chronic pain, a therapeutic massage session can enhance your overall sense of emotional and physical wellbeing to improve your quality of life.
Sessions range from $120-$165. Call for more information or to schedule an appointment in Whitehorse.
Extended Medical Benefit Coverage for Registered Massage Therapy